
















Kathy Keler, a graphic designer with a background in visual arts, has 15 years' experience serving clients in the Washington metropolitan area, and other parts of the USA.

Highly proficient in Quark, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Dreamweaver, she is experienced at editing raw html, and working with web-development software, such as Flash and shopping-cart applications. She can handle all phases of one- to four-color print production, from concept to press management.

She puts a lot of creative energy into her work, and enjoys the appreciation of her clients!

American Psychological Association book cover design and production, 4-color
Instructional Technology Council Annual conference print materials; web masthead design
American Psychiatric Association design and production of charts and graphs for several publications
Washington Writers' Publishing House book cover design and production
Calvary Baptist Church design and production of website and brochure
The Theater Lab design and production of website and banner
Points of Light Foundation design and production of book, CD, and application form
Aidan Montessori School design and production of catalog, magazine, newsletters & brochures; redesign and maintenance of website
American Immigration Law Foundation design and production of booklet and annual report
Botanical Skin Works redesign and production of website
National Association of College
and University Business Officers
design and production of
Business Officer Magazine
La Mesa fashions Design and production of website
LanguageOne, Inc. website design and production
Mount Vernon United Methodist Church design and production of website
American Public Health Association book cover design and production,
Harrington-Hughes Associates book cover and inside pages, 4-color, for DOT
University of Maryland Library
Friends of the Libraries
on-line gift store website design and production
The Aluminum Association
4-color brochure design and illustration
Catholic University of America Libraries
website redesign
Wesley Theological Seminary website design & management
Gehle Design, Inc. Logo designs, brochure designs and layout, website design
National Association of Insurance Brokers

design and production of Association newsletter & annual conference materials; website design

Arts For the Aging Web site design and production;
newsletter production
Aerospace Industries Association
Book design and production; annual conference brochure design and production
Global Concepts Design of four-color brochure and stationery
National Association on Education
and the Economy
Questionnaire/ booklet design and production
Civilian Research and Development Foundation
for the States of the Former Soviet Union
Logo Design
Maryland Partners of the Americas, Baltimore, MD
Design of web site graphics for bilingual
on-line arts journal